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Clinical findings of liver diseases



  Fig. 1


Fig. 1 - Ittero. L'epatite virale acuta puņ presentarsi con quadri clinici variabili da forme subcliniche asintomatiche od oligosintomatiche fino a forme fulminanti, con necrosi epatica massiva ed insufficienza epatica. Non č possibile individuare su base clinica la specifica eziologia virale, sebbene dati epidemiologici possano suggerirla. La sintomatologia iniziale č aspecifica, con malessere, astenia, anoressia, nausea, vomito e vaghi disturbi addominali con modesto dolore al quadrante superiore destro ed urine ipercromiche. Nel 20-50% dei casi compare ittero con iperbilirubinemia mista. L'ttero puņ essere limitato alle sclere se la bilirubinemia rimane su valori inferiori a 7 mg/dl, come usualmente accade nelle epatiti croniche. Una iperbilirubinemia prevalentemente diretta caratterizza le epatiti ad impronta colestatica. Sebbene sei epatovirus possano causare epatite acuta, solo le epatiti correlate ai virus HBV, HDV ed HCV possono evolvere in epatite cronica, cirrosi epatica e risultano associati all'insorgenza di epatocarcinoma. L'epatita acuta da HAV, HEV, HGV non evolve in malattia cronica.

Fig. 1 - Jaundice. The clinical presentation of acute viral hepatitis ranges from asymptomatic subclinical illness to fulminant hepatic failure. There are no clinical features that distinguish the individual types of hepatitis, although the epidemiologic data may suggest the etiology. The initial symptoms of acute hepatitis are nonspecific; usually the patient develops malaise, weakness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and right upper abdominal discomfort. The onset of jaundice and dark urine then ushers in the icteric phase. Clinically evident icteric cases account for only 20-50% of hepatitis virus infections. The bilirubin level is variably elevated in icteric hepatitis and this elevation involves both the direct and indirect fractions. Icterus may be limited to the sclera if bilirubin level is below 7 mg/dl, as usually occur in chronic hepatitis. Preponderance of direct bilirubin concentration occur in the cholestatic hepatitis. Although six hepatitis viruses cause acute hepatitis, only three, HBV, HCV and HDV, may result in chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis and eventually in hepatocellular carcinoma. Acute hepatitis due to HAV, HEV, HGV does not evolve to chronic disease.


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