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Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and Toxic Shock Syndrome



  Fig. 4


Fig. 4 - Lesioni maculopapulose rossastre, vescicolari e pustolose alle dita. Ripresa ravvicinata.
Dagli esami di laboratorio: HIV-ab assenti, VDRL e TPHA negativi, Hb 9 g/dl, WBC 13.380/mmc con 85% di neutrofili, VES 86, PCR 8,67, moderato incremento delle transaminasi sieriche, fosfatasi alcalina e gGT, AP 60%. L'esame colturale eseguito sul secreto uretrale risultò positivo per stafilococco aureo. Risultarono negativi gli esami microbiologici eseguiti dalle lesioni cutanee, orali e le emocolture.

Fig. 4 - Reddish maculopapular lesions, vesicles, and pustulae, to the fingers. Close up.
Laboratory tests: HIV-ab absent, VDRL and TPHA negative, Hb 9 g /dl, WBC 13.380/mmc with 85% of neutrophils, VES 86, PCR 8,67mg/dl, mildly raising of AST, ALT, FAL, GGT ; AP 60%. Cultures of urethral swabs were positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Blood cultures and swabs from cutaneous and oral lesions were negative.


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