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Staphylococcal pneumonia


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Fig. 3

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Fig. 4


Paziente 2. Cd4 5/mmc. Esame del liquido di lavaggio broncoalveolare positivo per Staphylococcus aureus.
Fig. 3-4 - Rx. Opacamento denso ed omogeneo del terzo inferiore basale di sinistra, per focolaio broncopneumonico e versamento pleurico. Opacamento disomogeneo, omolaterale, al terzo medio sull'emiclaveare.

Patient 2. Cd4 5/mmc. Examination of liquid from bronchoalveolar lavage positive for Staphylococcus aureus.
Fig. 3-4 - X-ray film. Dense and homogeneous opacity of the lower basal third of left, for bronchopneumonic focus and pleural effusion. Homolateral inhomogeneous opacity, to the middle third on the hemicleidal line.


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