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Miliary tuberculosis


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Fig. 1


Paziente 2. Cd4 330/mmc. Insorgenza di febbre, tosse e dispnea. Mantoux positiva. Emocolture, in bioluminescenza, positive per BK.
Fig. 1 - Rx. Marcata interstiziopatia ai campi superiori, pił evidente a sinistra, con piccole areole iperchiare; ili ingranditi; seno costofrenico sinistro velato.
Nonostante la terapia, defedamento progressivo fino al decesso.

Patient 2. Cd4 330/mmc. Onset of fever, cough and dyspnoea. Positive Mantoux. Haemocultures, by bioluminescence, positive for BK.
Fig. 1 - X-ray film. Marked interstitiopathy to upper fields, more evident on the left, with small hypertransparent areolas; enlarged hili; left costophrenic angle veiled.
Although therapy, progressive wasting until decease.


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