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Exudative pulmonary tuberculosis


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Fig. 1


Paziente 1. Cd4 99/mmc. Mantoux positiva. Insorgenza di febbre, tosse e dolore toracico.
Fig. 1 - Rx torace. Opacità parenchimale a destra, a livello della quinta costa, del diametro di 2,5 cm; versamento pleurico sinistro, con livello superiore alla sesta costa; ili addensati, specialmente a sinistra, con carattere adenopatico.
Trattamento antitubercolare, con esito favorevole.

Patient1. 99 Cd4/mmc. Mantoux positive. Onset of fever, cough and thoracic pain.
Fig. 1 - Chest X-ray film. Parenchymal opacities on the right, to the level of the fifth rib, 2.5 cm in diameter; left pleural effusion, with upper level to the sixth rib; enlarged hili, specially the left one, with adenopathic findings. Antituberculous treatment, with favourable outcome.


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