Marti Noxon
Intervista n°3

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(da Tv Weekly e da The Buffy Cross & Stake) (Contiene spoiler)

When Buffy the Vampire Slayer starts its seventh (and most likely final season) in the fall, viewers can expect a very lighter season then the previous.

"We are pretty much going back to basics," Marti Noxon, executive producer reveals, "we are going to do some 'monster of the week' episodes again, along with some other cool stuff."

Some things have to be resolved first before the new stories begin. Willow will find it very difficult to make amends for her evil actions, and she will also struggle to let go of her addiction. "She also must learn to live without Tara. But she will have a new love interest coming on later, and you'll never believe who it is!" Noxon previews.

As for Spike, don't expect a redo of "a vampire with a soul". "What we are doing with Spike is so different and rather extraordinary," Noxon says, "Joss would never want us to do the same thing over. There are some huge surprises with Spike coming up."

Anya will also undergo a lot of problems now that she is a vengeance demon again. "Anya and Xander have a tough road ahead, and it will all get resolved by the middle of the season," Noxon says, "Ultimately, Anya has a lot of tough choices to make."

As for the slayer herself, a reinvorgated Buffy has a new lease on life, and will spend a lot of time with Dawn. "Dawn will become a real three dimensional character," Noxon says, "Buffy will 'show her the world', as she stated in our finale."

The season will also continue Buffy's journey into learning what a slayer really is. "We played around with that in season five, now the rest of that will unfold. We are going to fully explore both Buffy and Dawn's origins, and all I can say is by the end of the show Buffy will be a true vampire slayer," Noxon says.

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